Thursday, March 31, 2016

Changing the Capital City of Somalia is the Only Way Forward

Is Mogadishu a capital city of unity or epicenter of all Somali problems? Before I answer this question, I would like to briefly highlight the historical background of Mogadishu, before and after the civil war.
Circa 1905, Italian administration has made Mogadishu the capital of its newly established colony. Officially, Mogadishu became the capital city of Somalia, on July 1st, 1960. It was the country’s largest city and its major commercial and financial hub. With no doubt, Mogadishu has always been a center of Somali unity, resources and prosperity. It was the only metropolitan city where economic and political power converged. Mogadishu has always been a symbol of Somali culture and history. Because of its beautiful beaches along the Indian Ocean, Mogadishu was known as “White pearl of the Indian Ocean”, while Somalis call ‘Xamar Caddey’. As Somalia’s capital city, Mogadishu was once hailed as city of opportunity; it has attracted people from all walks of life, in particular Somali intellectuals, business communities, as well as those in search of a better life. Those of us who had the opportunity to live in Mogadishu before the civil war remember it as a lovely and vibrant city where every age group enjoys plenty of entertainments throughout the year that includes, but not limited to, live concerts at Somali National Theatre, several Movie Theatres, disco clubs, football and basketball tournaments, bars and restaurants along the beaches and so on. These are just a few traces of past glory in Mogadishu.

Following the collapse of the military regime, Mogadishu fell into the hands of several competing armed militias with no discipline of governance. For many years, they fought so many wars with no purpose. Nevertheless, no single militia group came out a winner to exert authority over the capital. As a result, this has caused a historical tragedy: almost all of Mogadishu’s cultural and historical landmarks have perished into the ground and are unrecognizable today. In particular, those inspired national pride like statues of Mohamed A. Hassan, Ahmed Gurey, Hawa Taako, Arco di Trionfo Popolare as well as structures of old Parliament building, the National Museum, core downtown business and government buildings, etc. have been demolished or destroyed considerably. Mogadishu has suffered irreparable physical damage to its image and infrastructure, and what’s left of the beautiful Mogadishu today is nothing but rubble.
During the same period, in the most heinous way, an intentional and indiscriminate killing of one million civilians was reported to have happened in Mogadishu. Few hundred thousands more were internally displaced by violence, while another several hundred thousands fled from Mogadishu and relocated to their clan strongholds. A gruesome violation of human rights has caused blood stains all over the walls of the city. According to UN agencies, up to 60% of Mogadishu’s residents have fled the city. Consequently, this has created a full-blown humanitarian crisis. Since then, Mogadishu has become a breeding ground for spoilers and troublemakers and has turned into a capital city of anti-government elements like warlords, anarchists and religious extremists. Although Al-Shabaab is hastily taking the credit, it’s a proven fact that some of the targeted assassinations are actually perpetrated by local militia. Still today, Mogadishu is known as the most dangerous city in the world.
It’s really very disturbing to learn that more than two-thirds of Somali Federal parliamentarians and high ranking officials are constantly facing fear, intimidations and extortions, and permanently restricted to reside in Mogadishu hotels. This is just absurd and unprecedented. Are they foreign tourists or Somali civil service workers? With no government protection, hotels became a soft target too. It’s a compelling fact that Mogadishu has turned into a slaughterhouse capital of Somali intellectuals as well as government officials. Day in and day out, we’re all witnessing that Mogadishu residents are being held hostage in their own capital city. They’re still having nightmares from the physical and psychological pain and suffering of the past. They’ve neither confronted nor will they ever recover from it. Therefore, it’s absolutely impossible that Somali Federal Government can operate in Mogadishu any longer.For the last 25 years, I have not seen one single initiative from Mogadishu’s current residents, local civil societies or any level of government proposing a reasonable action plan of facilitating Mogadishu exodus safe return to their homes. This evidence appears to imply a total negligence and indifference. This was a missed opportunity, indeed. I believe, this could be the main reason why the majority of Mogadishu’s original inhabitants hailing from other parts of Somalia are selling their properties. Due to personal grievances, some are still frightened to come back, while others were denied access to their homes. Due to these unremorseful and heartless situations, it’s very unlikely and truly intimidating for victims to come back and resettle in Mogadishu. Similarly, publicly owned assets and properties in Mogadishu are still occupied illegally by local militia. It’s unfortunate but good glory days in Mogadishu are gone forever. What a lost paradise that was!
Taking all these into consideration, I truly believe Mogadishu is not a city of unity anymore, as most Somalis cannot call it home. It has become the epicenter of all Somali problems. Therefore, changing the capital city is the first step of recovery and the only way forward of rebuilding trust and restoring Somali sovereignty. Ladies and gentlemen, Somalia could use a fresh start with a new capital city, which would steer away from bad memories of the civil war. Here are my recommendations:
1. The status of the capital city and its location must be discussed and agreed upon, and shall be determined in the constitution.
2. The new capital must be a city under which no clan or Federal Member State can claim its territory or resources.
3. Districts and municipalities under the capital city should be ruled by, and managed under the rule of a fair representation based on the number of regions in each Federal Member States.
4. Somali capital must be a city in which all Somali people can live, work and raise children. And above all, a place all Somalis can call home.

During thirty plus years of governance (1960-1990), all Somali resources, as well as capital flows were pouring into Mogadishu while neglecting other major cities in the country. Regardless of which capital city we choose today, it’s not acceptable concentrating all government services and national resources in one city anymore. Here are my recommendations:
1) To get a fair distribution of Federal government services, the three branches of government (Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary) must be seated in different cities of Federal Member States.
2) All Federal government services like Central Bank, Defense, Foreign Affairs, and Immigration must be relocated and distributed proportionally among different Federal Member States based on number of regions in each State.
3) The idea is to spread out the government services, resources, and benefits across several different cities and regions of the country so that if one or more is affected by, for any reason, we still have others functioning.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s seize this opportunity now, and avoid further fragmentation and conflict. Changing the course is the only way forward to save the country. I realize it requires a great deal of collaboration and cooperation among all of us. However, as we’re engaged in bigger and bolder challenges, we should look beyond clan sentiment and cult mentality, and focus only on saving the country with great pride and determination.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Dibin daabyada iyo Hagardaamada Beesha Caalamka

Waa kuwama Beesha Caalamku? Marar badan ayaad maqashaa eraygaan ayagoo isticmaalaya madaxda dalka, sida madaxweynaha, reesalwasaaraha, golaha barlamaanka, iyo siyaasiyiinta ba, sidoo kale waxa carabkoodu kubadanyahay kuna celcesha suxufiyiinta. Erey ahaan waan unaqaana beesha caalamka micnaheeda lakin sideenu ubadanahay manaqaano wadamada ay kakoobantahay Beesha Caalamku, imisa wadan ayaa kumidaysan daladaan, matahay mid caalamka oo dhan matasha, sida Qarmada Midoobay oo kale, maleedahay beeshu hogaan ladoorto, iyo kuwa kale oo badan.
Hadaba su,aalahaas oodhaan jawaabtoodu waa maya. Beesha caalamku waa fikir laga soo dhiraandhiriyay gumaystihii kagadaal dagaal kii labaad ee dunida. waana shaati ay had iyo jeer gashtaan wadamo daneeya arimaha wadan bur burbursan ama larabo in laburburiyo, si looga fushado danaha ay kaleeyihiin. Wadan walba oo shaatigaan kulabisani wuxuu leeyahay dano gaar ahaaneed oo iskugu jira mid dhaqaale (Economic), siyaasadeed (Politics), xeel tagaal (Military strategy) iyo kuwo kaleba, waxaa xaqiiq ah wadan walba in uu sheeda ka eeganayo arimihiisa gaar ahaaneed  aanan dhag jalaq u siineen bur bur iyo baaba,a dilooday dalkaas, arinkuna tahay qowda maqadhi waxna ha uqaban.
Hadii aynu dib u milicsano soyaalka qarnigii tagay, beesha caalamku waa tii shantii Somaliweyn dhabarka kajabisay sadex kamidana ay ka jartay, sida Somali Ogaden o ay raacisay Eithopia, Gobolada Somaliyed oo dhaca xadka Keynya oo hada looyaqaa Gobolada jiida waqooyi ee Keynya ama NORTHERN FRONTIER DISTRICT (N.F.D) o ay ku dartay Kenya iyo Jabouti oo loo aqoonsaday dowlad madaxbanaan. Hadaba siyaasadaasu waxay katur jumaysaa oraahdii gumaysiga oo ahayd "qeybi oo xukun".

Dhagartaa ayadoo loo tirinayo bay beesha caalamku sibareera gacan ugageesatay burburkii dowladii kacaanka ayadoo u adeegsatay Jamhado gashan shaati qabiil, Halka wadanka somaliya deriska la ah ee itoobiya markay dowladii Mingiste mesha lagasaarey beesha caalamku is la garaabtaagtay hiil iyo hooba si qalalaasaha loodamiyo dibna loosoocesho kaladanbayntii dalka. islamarkaasna waxa loogu baaqaey Jamhadihii afgambiyay mamulkii mingeste in ay soodhisaan dowlad saami qeyb ah kuna saleesan Federalism. Halka ay somaliya dhexdhigtay dab ololaya una horseeday dagaalo wajiyo kala duwan leh oo aan dhamaad lahayn.
Intaas waxaa siidheer, hagardaamooyinkaasu waxa ay soo baaxa dabaashaanba waxaa lasoo gaaray 2012. Beesha caalamku waxay sameesay road map ama qariirad iyo dastuurka laisku waafaqsanyahay waxayna kubixisay malaayin dollar ka Mareenka ah, waxay kaloo aad u xoojiyeen in DF xildhibaanadeeda lagusoo xulo 4.5 doorashadii 2012, tan xigtana in ay  xildhibaanadu kuyimaadan degaan iyo degmooyin,. Goloha sarena ee aqalka odayaashuna tiradoodu ay a haadaan 276 oo kakala imaanaya 92 degmo iyo 54 oo ah aqalka hoose oo looqeybinayo 18 kii gobol ee sagaashankii kahor dhisnaa, Beeshu waxay balanqaaday in dhamaan heshiisyadaas in ay kor kalasocon doonto fulintooda. waxaa dhacday in ay Beesha caalamku hormuud unoqoto burburisana nadaamkii iyo kaladambeentii dastuuriga aha e Somali du ku heshiisay ayaduna maalka fara badan ay ku bixisay, si aysan dalku godka uu kujiro aanan uuga soobixin.ileen horaa looyiriye bahal cayriinka madaayo besha caalamkuna dibindaabyo madayso, 
Waxaa kalo xusid mudan in beeshu hortaagantahay dhisida cidamo isku dhaf ah oo Somaliyeed si dalka looga difaaco cadowga Alshabab, waxayna ka doorbiday malaayiin dollar in ay ku bixiyaan cidamada IGAD ZONE oo kusugan qeybo kmida Somaliya si anay  u idlaan danahooda dalkuna gacantooda uugabixin, xaaladuna ay noqoto jug jug meeshaada joog, waxaa muuqada in aysan dhab ka aheen dagaal ka ay kula jiraan kooxda mayalka adag, sababtoo ah ciidamada igad waxaa laguu qiyaasaa 23 kun oo askari, askari walba mushaarkiisu waa $ 1200, halka ay ciidanka Al-shabaab lagu qiyaasay 6-7 kun oo askari oo layaqaan meesha ay daganyihiin, shidaalka iyo saanadanada ay kahelaan  Hadii ay beesha caalamku dhab katahay labo maalin kuma qaadanayso in ay kusoo afjaraan dhalinyaradaas lasooqalday. 

Ugudanbayntii, Somaliya cidina uma maqna ceelna uma qodna waxaa soojeedinaya in uu shacabku isku duubnaado kanadhiidhiyo hagardaamada iyo dibindaabyada Beesha Caalamka Wax loo dig iyo damleeyahayna waa iga iyo dalkooda.

Qore: Said A Noor

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Somalia oo sharafteeda kaiibisay Saudi Arabia

Ciwaanka kor kuxusan waxaa daabacay wargayka huffingtonpost oo kasoobaxa New York, Wuxuu kafaalooday suuq gaynta gabdhaha somaliyeed e Saudiga.. Wargayska oo siiwada faaladiisa, 15000 gabdho somaliyeed ah ayaa laga iibiyay Boqortoyada Saudi ga si ay guryaha Sucudiyiinta uuga shaqeeyaan. shaqooyinkaas o ay isku quuriwaayeen dad udhashay wadamada Philipin, Eithoipia,Ugada, iyo dalal kale oo badan. Sucuudiga ayaa radinayay shaqaale qiimihiisu aad u hooseeyo,waana waayay shaqaale kajaban gabdhaha Somaliyeed. sidoo kale war bixintu waxay sheegtay dhaliyaro badan in laga iibsaday Saudiga loona diray dagaalka Yeman. warbixintaan ayaa umuuqata mid aad loogu ceebeenayo hogaan xumida madaxda somaliyeed, waxayna sheegtay in dowlada ha jirta uu madaxweynaha kayahay Hassan Shiekh in ay iibgeysay sharaftii iyo karaamadii hablaha Somaliyeed iska daa in ay dal iyo dad wax u qabatee, dhacdadaan ayaa noqonaysa mid taarikhda ugasha umada somaliyeed. warbixintoo dhamaystiran hoos ka aqriso.