Friday, April 28, 2023

The Path to Democracy in Puntland: A Model for Somalia's Future

The multipart system of democracy in Puntland, a state in Somalia, is experiencing a significant transformation as the region embraces democratization. As a role model for the rest of Somalia, Puntland's President has dedicated considerable effort to ensure a smooth transition to a more democratic system. This article will discuss the advantages of democracy for Somalia, particularly Puntland, and how President Deni is leaving a legacy in the state's system of government. 
 The Move Toward Democracy In a recent meeting, the President of Puntland and political organizations discussed the future of the state's political landscape. The participants agreed on an amendment to the constitution that would allow a three-party system to replace to the five-party system for the next ten years. However, a compromise was reached to maintain the existing five-party system. The proposal is now pending approval from the Council of Ministers before being submitted to Parliament. If passed, it will be annexed to the Constitution. 

The political team of Puntland, which championed this idea, opposed limiting the political landscape to just three parties. The Advantages of Democracy for Puntland and Somalia The shift towards a more inclusive political landscape in Puntland is an essential step in the state's journey towards a stronger, more representative democracy. By maintaining a five-party system, Puntland encourages political pluralism and a diverse range of ideologies. This diversity of thought and representation promotes healthy debate, leading to better decision-making and more effective governance. Moreover, the democratic system strengthens the rule of law, promoting accountability and transparency. 

As Puntland embraces democracy, citizens will have a greater ability to participate in the political process, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their concerns are addressed. This increased engagement empowers the population and fosters a sense of national unity. 

 President Deni's Legacy in Puntland's System of Government President Deni's commitment to democratization in Puntland has been vital in facilitating the state's political transformation. By advocating for a more inclusive political landscape, Deni is demonstrating his commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and the rule of law. His efforts to create a stable and democratic environment will be remembered as a turning point in Puntland's history, setting a positive precedent for the rest of Somalia. As Puntland moves forward with its democratic journey, the state will serve as an example for other regions in Somalia, potentially inspiring similar changes throughout the country. 

President Deni's legacy will be remembered not only as an advocate for democracy in Puntland but also as a driving force for change throughout Somalia. 

 Conclusion The democratization of Puntland, led by President Deni, serves as a beacon of hope for the rest of Somalia. As the state embraces a more inclusive and diverse political landscape, it reaps the benefits of a stronger, more representative democracy. Puntland's democratic journey has the potential to inspire change throughout Somalia, ushering in a new era of stability, prosperity, and unity. President Deni's legacy will be indelibly etched into the annals of Puntland's history, as he helps guide the region towards a brighter, more democratic future.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Somali Identity Crisis: The Influence of Arab Culture on Somali Elders

The Somali identity crisis is a phenomenon where the Somali people, particularly the elders, have adopted various aspects of Arab culture and abandoned their traditional practices. This cultural shift can be traced back to the 1990s, when Arab culture began to have a more significant impact on Somali society. The essay aims to compare and contrast the Somali culture before and after the influence of Arab culture and explore the reasons behind the cultural shift. Somali Culture Before the 1990s Before the 1990s, Somalis took pride in their unique and vibrant culture, which was characterized by their traditional clothing and customs. 
The Somali people wore distinct traditional clothes such as Macawis, Koofiyad, Go shaal ah, and Matoobo. The society was deeply rooted in their customs and preserved their heritage, allowing them to stand out among other African nations. Arab Influence on Somali Culture The 1990s marked the beginning of a significant cultural shift in Somali society, particularly among the elders. This change can be attributed to the growing influence of Arab culture, which began to penetrate Somali society. The elders started to abandon their traditional attire and customs, adopting Arab clothing like Qamiis, Cimaamad, and Cigaal. 

Many Somali elders believed that wearing such attire was a religious obligation ordained by Allah and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). However, this belief is a misconception as Islam does not prescribe a specific uniform for its followers. Diversity in Islam and the Preservation of Cultural Identity Islam is a religion that embraces diversity and does not impose a particular culture or dress code on its adherents. Sura Hud: 118 emphasizes this notion, stating that if Allah had willed, He could have made mankind one community, but they will continue to differ. This verse highlights the importance of preserving one's cultural identity while practicing Islam. 

 Countries such as Yemen, Libya, and Indonesia are examples of Muslim-majority nations that maintain their unique cultural identities while adhering to Islamic teachings. These countries demonstrate that an individual can be a Muslim without adopting the culture of another society. 

 Conclusion The Somali identity crisis is a result of the growing influence of Arab culture on Somali society, particularly among the elders. The belief that adopting Arab attire is a religious obligation is a misconception, as Islam does not impose a specific uniform on its followers. It is essential for Somali people to understand the importance of preserving their cultural heritage and embracing the diversity that Islam promotes. By doing so, they can maintain their unique identity while practicing their faith, allowing for a harmonious coexistence of different cultures within the Islamic community.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Decline of the Somali Shilling and the Rise of the US Dollar in Somalia

The economic challenges faced by Somalia since the collapse of its central government in the early 1990s have had far-reaching consequences, including the decline of its national currency, the Somali Shilling. This essay aims to explore the reasons behind the decline of the Somali Shilling and the subsequent rise in the use of the US Dollar in everyday transactions within Somalia. Additionally, it will discuss the challenges involved in re-establishing a national currency in the country.

The Decline of the Somali Shilling:

  1. Collapse of the central government:
    The disintegration of the central government in 1991 left a void of power and authority, resulting in a lack of oversight over the issuance and regulation of a national currency. Without a functioning government, the Somali Shilling was left vulnerable to instability and depreciation.

  2. Hyperinflation and loss of confidence:
    The political and economic turmoil experienced by Somalia led to significant hyperinflation, causing prices to rise rapidly. As a consequence, the Somali Shilling lost its value, eroding public confidence in the currency. Many individuals sought to protect their wealth by turning to the more stable US Dollar.

  3. Counterfeiting and physical degradation:
    The absence of a central authority allowed counterfeit currency to flood the market, further undermining trust in the Somali Shilling. Moreover, poor production quality and extensive use led to the physical deterioration of the currency, with notes becoming worn, ripped, or torn.

Reasons for the Rise of the US Dollar in Somalia:

  1. Stability and international acceptance:
    The US Dollar is renowned for its stability and wide acceptance globally. In contrast to the devalued Somali Shilling, using the US Dollar provides Somalis with a more reliable and secure means of preserving their wealth and conducting transactions.

  2. Facilitation of international trade and remittances:
    Somalia heavily relies on imports and remittances from its diaspora. The use of the US Dollar simplifies international transactions, making it easier for Somalis to engage in trade and receive remittances from abroad.

Challenges of Re-establishing a National Currency:

  1. Lack of a central monetary authority:
    The re-establishment of a national currency necessitates a functional central bank responsible for currency issuance, monetary policy management, and financial stability. However, Somalia's central bank has been severely weakened by years of conflict and instability, hindering the establishment of a strong financial infrastructure.

  2. Political instability and security concerns:
    Ongoing political instability and power struggles among different factions pose significant challenges to creating the necessary institutional framework to support a national currency. Additionally, security concerns may deter foreign investors and financial institutions from participating in the country's monetary system.

  3. Public trust and acceptance:
    Restoring public confidence in a new national currency is a formidable task. Somalis may be hesitant to abandon the US Dollar, which has provided stability and predictability during times of uncertainty. Addressing the issues of counterfeit currency and poor-quality notes is essential to ensure the credibility of the new currency.


The decline of the Somali Shilling and the subsequent rise in the use of the US Dollar can be attributed to factors such as the collapse of the central government, hyperinflation, counterfeiting, and physical degradation. Re-establishing a national currency in Somalia faces numerous challenges, including the need to rebuild institutions, address political instability, and regain public trust. However, a stable and well-functioning national currency is crucial for Somalia's long-term economic development and self-sustainability. Efforts should be made to strengthen the capacity of the central bank, improve security and stability, and implement measures to restore public trust in a new currency. Only through these efforts can Somalia reduce its reliance on foreign currencies and pave the way for a more prosperous economic future.

Saturday, April 22, 2023


Si loo falanqeeyo cidda maamusha siyaasadda Soomaaliya, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in si qoto dheer loo fahmo siyaasadda qalafsan ee ka jirta Geeska Afrika. Nidaamka siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya, Hardanka danaha wadamada dibadda iyo gudaha saameynta ku leh xasilloonida siyaasadeed ee dalka. Qormadan ujeeddadeedu waxa weeye inan ku iftiimiyo hal-doorka siyaasadda(Political players) iyo cida gacanta ku haysa maamulida siyaasadda dalka. JILAYAASHA GUDDAHA(Internal actors). Ugu horrayn, Dowladda Federaalka oo la dhisay sanadki 2012-kii, waxay matalaysaa maamulka dhexe, waana dalada sare dalka. Dowladda oo ay madax ka yihiin Madaxweyne iyo Ra’iisul Wasaare, dowladdu waxay ku shaqeysaa nidaamka baarlamaanka federaalka. caqabadaha u waawayn e haysta wa hay’addaha dowliga ah oo daciif ah iyo dhaqaale la’aan. Dowladu waxay wajahda dagaalo siyaasadeed oo ay ku dooneyso inay heshiis la,aan kula wareegto, awoodaha maamuladda. si ay saamayn wayn uugu yeelato dalka. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, gacan ku haynteeda siyaasada dalka oo dhan way xadidan tahay, maadaama dowlad goboleedyadda ay heystaan ​​madax-bannaani weyn. Tan labaad, dowlad goboleedyada ayaa door muhiim ah ku leh gacan kuhaynta awoodda siyaasadda Soomaaliya. Dalku wuxuu u qaybsan yahay shan dawlad-goboleed oo federaal ah: Puntland, Galmudug, Hirshabeelle, Koonfur Galbeed iyo Jubaland. Maamul goboleedyadan ayaa leh dowlado u gaar ah iyo ciidamo suga ammaanka, kuwaas oo maamula deegaanada ay ka taliyaan. Xiriirka u dhaxeeya dowladda dhexe iyo dowlad goboleedyada ayaa inta badan waxaa ka dhasha xiisado iyo khilaafaad dhanka awoodda ah. Siyaasadda Qabiilka: Nidaamka qabaliga bay ku dhisantahay dowladnimadda Somaliya, kaas o ku dhex milmay bulshada, wuxuuna si weyn u saameeyaa gacan kuhaynta siyaasadda. Siyaasiinta Qabiilada saamanta ku leh dowlada, waxay soo dhisaan madaxda federalka iyago ku shaqaysanaya awood dillaalnimo(a power broker), taas o xoojin karta ama wiiqi karta dawladda federaalka. Sidoo kale, kooxaha xagjirka ah sida Al-Shabaab, baa saameen ku leh awooda dalka, maadaama ay kataliyaan qaybo badan konfurta somaliya. Al-Shabaab, si firfircoon waxay ula dagaalanta dowladda Federaalka iyo ciidamada Midowga Afrika iyadoo hadafkeedu yahay, nidaam ka dowladliga ah in lagu badalo waxay uugu yeeraan dowlad islaami ah. Dagaaladda joogtada ah ee Al-Shabaab ayaa saameyn weyn ku leh xasiloonida amniga iyo siyaasadda dalka. JILAYAASHA DIBADDA/BEESHA CAALAMKA(External actors). Jilayaasha caalamiga ah, sida Midowga Afrika, Qaramada Midoobay iyo dalal kala duwan oo reer galbeed ah ayaa iyaguna saameyn ku leh gacan kuhaynta siyaasadda Soomaaliya. Waxay dawladda siiyaan taageero dhaqaale, mid ciidan iyo qalab. Midowga Afrika waxa uu door muhiim ah ku leeyahay siyaasadda dalka isaga oo u maraya howlgalka nabad ilaalinta AMISOM. Tan iyo markii la howlgaliyay 2007, AMISOM waxa ay muhiim u ahayd in dowladda Soomaaliya ka taageerto dib u soo celinta xasiloonida koofurta somaliya. Itoobiya iyo Kenya: Maadaama ay daris dhow layihiin somaliya, labaduba waxay dano gaar ah ka leeyihiin siyaasadda Soomaaliya. Waxay geeyeen ciidamo AMISOM ah oo ay ku fushadaan danahooda istaraatiijiga ah ee gobolka dhexdiisa. Iyadoo saameyntooda siyaasadda Soomaaliya ay tahay mid muuqata, faragelina ku hayaan arrimaha gudaha. Mareykanka iyo Midowga Yurub waxay Soomaaliya ku taaku leeyaan taageero maaliyadeed, mid ciidan iyo mid bini'aadantinimo. Ka-qaybgalkoodu waxa uu ku wajahan yahay xoojinta awoodda dawladda Soomaaliya iyo taageeridda qorshayaasha ka hortagga argagixisada. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, saameyntooda inta badan waxaa loo sii maraa Madaxda maamul goboleedyada, dowladaha deriska ah iyo ururada caalamiga ah. Dowladaha Khaliijka, gaar ahaan Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Qatar ayaa banaanka keenay, korna uqaaday danaha siyaasadeed ay ka leeyihiin somalia. Waxay taageero dhaqaale siiyaan dhinacyo kala duwan, taasoo inta badan sii xoojisa khilaafka u dhexeeya dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad goboleedyada. Loolanka ay ugu jiraan saamaynta Geeska Afrika waxa ku soo kordhiyeen xasilooni daro siyaasadeed. Gabagabodi Siyaasadda Soomaaliya waxa gacanta kuhaya, maamulana garabyo kala duwan, lehna dano is kahorjeeda sida, Beesha caalamka, Dowladda Federaalka, dowlad goboleedyada, qabaa’ilka, iyo Al-Shabaab. Hardanka danaha jilayaasha siyaasada(political actors) ka ayaa abuura loolan awoodeed iyo xasilooni darada dalka. � Waxa Qoray: Said Noor